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Oklahoma Gas and Electric Company, a subsidiary of OGE Energy Corp. (NYSE: OGE), is Oklahoma's largest electric company. For 121 years, we have provided customers in Oklahoma and western Arkansas with the safe, reliable electricity needed to power their businesses and homes with some of the nation's lowest electric rates, according to S&P Global Market Intelligence. Our employees are committed to generating and delivering electricity, protecting the environment, and providing excellent service to approximately 892,000 customers. OG&E’s 7,240 MW of electric generation capacity is fueled by natural gas, wind, low-sulfur coal, and solar. OG&E employees live, work, and volunteer in the communities we serve. For more information about OG&E, visit us at OGE.com.
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Arkansas Oklahoma Gas Corporation (AOG) is a natural gas utility committed to delivering clean, safe, affordable, and reliable energy solutions to our customers every day through exceptional service and a strong commitment to the communities we serve.

We provide natural gas to approximately 60,000 residential, commercial, industrial and agricultural customers in Arkansas and Oklahoma. We've been serving the people in Fort Smith and the surrounding area with safe and reliable service for nearly 75 years.

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Arkansas Valley Electric Cooperative
Arkansas Valley Electric Cooperative Corporation is a not-for-profit Corporation headquartered in Ozark, AR. District offices are located in Waldron and Van Buren, AR. and Pocola, OK. Currently the Cooperative has more than 6,600 miles of distribution lines, 36 electrical substations, and more than 59,000 electric services. The total electric plant of AVECC is valued at more than $264 million and member equity is 37.90%.
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